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Championship Week in Corvallis

After a grueling conference schedule with 10 teams ineligible due to $$$$$, Oregon State and Washington State finally meet to decide the Pac-12 in a round robin schedule.

Just Hand Them the Division Already

The Arizona Cardinals tank campaign leads to Los Angeles in what will be a lop-sided match up with the LA Rams. Will Philip Avila show mercy or shut out the Cardinals?

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Need a team?

Firstly... welcome to the SimFBA! If you are new to the site, and need a team, make sure you head over to the new users section and view the available teams list. You will also be able to fill out your job application there! See you on the field, Coach!

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Lakers Go Big in Draft

Lakers draft Center Mike Park #1 Overall in the 2024 SimNBA Draft

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Good Evening everyone. So I have some big news. First, I want to say that we really do wish we could make more progress of the sim, but things have been difficult in terms of time commitments. There are only a few of us who have the technical skills to do stuff under the hood, and unfortunately, those same people have very little time after work, school and raising families.


That does NOT mean that we are quitting. We are still going to work on this as much as possible, and as you probably have noticed, we have made some progress on the interface thanks to @TuscanSota and @Swipet. The truth remains, however, that we still don’t have any major games other than NBAGM (thank you for running that subsequent). So we wanted to fix that.


A short time ago, I discovered a dice-rolling football game that handled play-by-play in its rule-set. Given that rules for dice games are basically lines of pseudocode, I have been able to turn that into a small program that can simulate a game using these rules. So, I want to announce that we will be running a league here on the site that will use these rules. I don’t have a name for it yet, so we will be taking suggestions.


I have been coding and doing tests for a few weeks and I think we are almost ready. The goal, initially, will be to get a few teams set up and run some practice games to work out the kinks and logistics of everything. Depending on how fast we get everything going, we could start this up to have games in a few days to probably two weeks. It all depends on how fast people can set up tests and teams.


I will begin writing up the rules for applying for a team, so keep a look out for them. Once people apply for a team and are approved I will generate them. While I know this isn’t what we hoped for, I do hope this will scratch everyone’s football itch for a bit.

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