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#14 - Player attributes, archetypes, and more


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Hi everyone, I'm very excited to not only seeing everyone putting up depth charts, but also participating in scrimmages! It's awesome to see football being played here! As you guys continue to refine your strategies and depth charts, I want to go over some basics on how to read how good your player might be!




First, let's chat about attributes. At the very base, each player will have whatever attributes they were generated with. Every player has the same set of attributes, but they all affect how well they play in different positions and their general overall differently depending on which position they start out as. As a note, the overall does NOT change if you play them in a different role, so keep that in mind! Also, height and weight currently do not do anything significant. We're hoping to be able to have them change as well as actually affect performance down the road.


So let me list all of the attributes here and what we envision them doing.


OverallOVROverall rating based on attributes for their position
CarryingCARHow well a player runs with the ball, affects fumble chances
AgilityAGIHow agile they are, affects general ball carrying and elusiveness
CatchingCTHHow well a player can catch balls
Zone CoverageZCVHow well a player can decide who in their area to defend and keep track of everyone around him
Man CoverageMCVHow well a player can keep up and cover a player in man-on-man situations
Football IQFIQHow well a player makes decisions
Kick AccuracyKACHow accurately a player kicks a place kick
Kick PowerKPWHow far a player can kick place kicks
Pass BlockPBKHow well a player can stop a pass rush
Pass RushPRHHow well a player can get around a pass r ush
Punt AccuracyPACHow accurately a player kicks punts
Punt PowerPPWHow far a player can kick punts
Route RunningRTRHow well a player runs his routes, results in a better connection with the QB
Run BlockRBKHow well a player can defend against a run defense
Run DefenseRDFHow well a player can stop the run
SpeedSPDHow fast a player can run
StrengthSTRHow strong a player is
TackleTAKHow well a player tackles
Throw PowerTPWHow far a player can throw the ball
Throw AccuracyTACHow accurately a player can throw the ball
InjuryINJHow easily a player can get hurt
StaminaSTAHow easily a player gets tired
DisciplineDISHow prone they are to getting penalties
AcademicACAHow important academics are to the player when choosing a school
Free AgencyFRAHow loyal is this player when it comes to re-signing a contract
PersonalityPERGeneral personality traits
RecruitingRECDesires that affect recruiting
Work EthicWECA player's dedication
ProgressionPROHow quickly a player will progress - Hidden attribute
PotentialPOTA fuzzied up version of progression


There are a few items that aren't revealed yet, namely everything from Injury to Work Ethic, but consider this a sneak peak of what is on our roadmap! I know these seem pretty self explanatory, and they are. I just want to make sure I document it here so everyone can see.


Positions and attributes


Each position has a small list of attributes that go into determining a player's overall. These attributes are also the primary attributes used to determine how well they perform at their position. Of course, there will be other attributes that play a role, but those will be a little bit of a secondary effect. For example, a QB's main job is to throw the ball, not run with it, so Ball Carrying does not affect their overall, but can play a role if they are scrambling around or running a triple option.


QB - Agility, Football IQ, Speed, Strength, Throw Power, Throw Accuracy

RB - Carrying, Agility, Catching, Football IQ, Pass Block, Speed, Strength

FB - Carrying, Agility, Catching, Football IQ, Pass Block, Run Block, Speed, Strength

WR - Carrying, Agility, Catching, Football IQ, Route Running, Speed, Strength

TE - Carrying, Agility, Catching, Football IQ, Pass Block, Route Running, Run Block, Speed, Strength

OT/OG/C - Agility, Football IQ, Pass Block, Run Block, Strength

DE - Agility, Football IQ, Pass Rush, Run Defense, Speed, Strength

DT - Agility, Football IQ, Pass Rush, Run Defense, Strength

ILB/OLB - Agility, Zone Coverage, Man Coverage, Football IQ, Pass Rush, Run Defense, Speed, Strength

CB/FS/SS - Agility, Catching, Zone Coverage, Man Coverage, Football IQ, Speed, Strength

K - Football IQ, Kick Accuracy, Kick Power

P - Football IQ, Punt Accuracy, Punt Power




Now, every position has a different list of archetypes, so I want to go ahead and explain those as well. These will play a much larger role once we have more expanded play-calling. Remember, these archetypes really only determine which attribute ranges the players get generated as. Sometimes, you might have players generated well for other positions and archetypes. As you play players in different positions, they will gain experience and progress differently as well.


QBScramblerLikes to run, not as good at passing
QBPocketLikes to throw, not as good at running
QBBalancedJack of all trades, master of none
QBField GeneralNot quite as good as a Balanced, but much smarter
RBSpeedFast, but not quite as strong
RBPowerStrong, but not quite as fast
RBReceivingVery good at catching the ball
RBBalancedJack of all trades, master of none
FBBlockingBest deployed as a blocker
FBRushingFaster, but not quite as strong
FBReceivingFast and can catch passes, but not quite as strong
FBBalancedJack of all trades, master of none
WRPossessionVery sure hands
WRRoute RunnerVery disciplined route running
WRSpeedVery fast
WRRed Zone ThreatNot quite as fast, but high strength
TEReceivingGreat hands, better at route running than Vertical Threat
TEBlockingStrong and great at blocking
TEVertical ThreatVery fast, not as strong
OT/OGPass BlockingBetter at blocking for the QB
OT/OGRun BlockingBetter at blocking for the RB
OT/OGBalancedJack of all trades, master of none
CPass BlockingBetter at blocking for the QB
CRun BlockingBetter at blocking for the RB
CBalancedJack of all trades, master of none
CLine CaptainNot quite as good as a Balanced, but much smarter
DESpeed RusherFast and loves to blitz
DERun StopperStrong and great at stopping a run
DEBalancedJack of all trades, master of none
DTNose TackleStrong and great at stopping a run
DTPass RusherFast and loves to blitz
DTBalancedJack of all trades, master of none
ILBField GeneralJack of all trades, master of none, but very smart
ILBRun StopperStrong and great at stopping a run
ILBCoverageVery good at dropping back in coverage
ILBSpeedFaster and more agile
OLBPass RushFast and good at blitzing
OLBCoverageVery good at dropping back in coverage
OLBSpeedFaster and more agile
OLBRun StopperStrong and great at stopping a run
CB/FS/SSMan CoverageGreat in 1 on 1 situations, faster (FS and SS only)
CB/FS/SSZone CoverageGreat at covering larger areas of the field
CB/FS/SSBall HawkGreat hands, good at covering in 1 on 1 situations
FS/SSRun StopperMuch stronger and good at defending against the run
K/PPowerVery strong kicking
K/PAccuracyVery accurate kicking
K/PBalancedJack of all trades, master of none


Hopefully all of the above gives you better insight into how to create your depth charts. I can't wait to see how everybody mixes things up. Feel free to reference back to this as much as you want! We want to give you everything for you to make the best choices for your players!

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