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Minnow last won the day on March 20 2023

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About Minnow

  • Birthday 04/02/1997


  • SimBBA Career
    South Dakota State
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Minnow's Achievements

Grad Assistant

Grad Assistant (6/14)

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  1. With the rivalries, the Twins brewers is a weird choice. but I guess understandable as the twins' rivals are within their division
  2. Is there a thread for injuries for us to know when a player is healthy again?
  3. Well that is unfortunate that now I do not have a SF anymore on SDSTs roster.
  4. but I teach history, coach basketball and trying to be Bro we gotta talk history sometime
  5. No I am not joining your NFL team. You can join the Bills though.
  6. "Work on an implementation on the interface where users will be able to view alumni from their program and other programs, along with viewing their stats by year and game." Hot damn this means school records, boys.
  7. How long does it take to compute 5 years of test seasons?
  8. Damn you Sand Diego taking both USD and SDSU
  9. Also calling dibs on Jacks when they are available
  10. Is USD taken as an Abbreviation? I can't stand seeing USD being called SDAK.
  11. Ad Application: Game: NFL Super Bowl Company: Lasik Express Tagline: Don't lose sight, keep it within the uprights Sponsoring all missed field goals Script: "What a blow to the young man, that leaves [insert team] hanging. Don't leave your duties hanging with Lasik Express. Making all Goals on and off the field a reality."
  12. Can a user be fired from their position due to on-the-field performance? No. OH THANK GOD
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