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  1. Moore was removed from my depth chart entirely, both at DE and special teams. I'm not sure what I'm missing here. @Piercewise1
  2. More likely though....they decline the penalty since the game was in-hand and they just mercifully end the game, not risk injury/turnover by running another play. But yes, you may very well be right that this same thing may happen with a different game scenario, like the offense being down 1 score or less and not getting a chance to have another play.
  3. Similar to my above post NFL today, we punted from the opponent's 28 yard line. Max FG distance was set to 46. So we should have attempted the FG. Instead, an 8-yard net punt. We also punted from the opponent's 30, which given the max FG setting of 46, yes, we would not attempt the FG, but we definitely should have gone for it. (See my last post for a question about a possible fix)
  4. Some more penalty fixes: NCAA - Offensive Pass Interference is a 15-yard penalty. In my game, 10 yards was administered. NCAA - Defensive Holding is 10 yards and an automatic 1st down. 5 yards was administered. Also - We had the ball placed at the 25 on a touchback after a punt which is incorrect. (20) Is there a way to implement a yard line of demarcation where the offense will go for it instead of punting? I had my max FG range as 46 yards. From the opponent's 30, we did not try the FG, which was correct, but I'd hope we'd go for it instead of punting and getting a 10-yard net after a touchback. Could it be coded where I say the longest field goal I want to try is 46 yards, but anything inside the opponent's XX yard line (42 for example), I'd automatically go for it instead of punting? Because I'd much rather go for it than try a FG we can't make or hand the ball to the other team after like a 8-15 yard net punt.
  5. Accidentally placed a played (WR Andy Jones) on the practice squad. Trying to remove him and it shows that I have, but then any other screen I go to or if I refresh, he is back on it, which also jacks up my depth chart.
  6. 58 schools got votes with only 6 people voting?
  7. 0-3 in preseason. I'm not sure talk of me "running the schedule" is accurate. If we had Hung-Chih Anderson this year, I think we could make some noise on a national level. But breaking in a new QB, I think we'll struggle a bit
  8. It does the same thing for Practice Squad. (asking if you want to put them ON) But it actually takes them off if you select a second time.
  9. I don't know if others feel the same way, but I'd really like the players to be sorted by position with the positions groups "in order" QB, RB, WR, TE, OT, OG, C, DE, DT, OLB, ILB, CB, FS, SS, K, P Now, they get sorted alphabetically, and then I have to go find the position group, and I can't see all OL together, for instance.
  10. 4th & 1 on opponent's 43, my 4th and short go for it is maxed. I'd always go for it in this situation. Disappointing that we punted here. 1st & 10, 0 yard gain by the offense with an offensive penalty. It was neither declined (making it 2nd down) or accepted (making it 1st and long). Same thing. Here, down 2 TDs with 6:15 to play, the field goal does not help and we should be going for it. 3rd instance of a penalty not being enforced Frustrating to see this one, where a 46-yard gain is declined and the 5-yard penalty is accepted. I know you mentioned before that it is like the play never happened. But we do still lose 21 seconds of game time while trying to come from behind late.
  11. I took a little flack for my Valera selection, but I'll gladly take an agile, intelligent lineman with good potential and versatility. I would have taken him 5-6 spots higher if that was where I was picking. Was an easy pick for me once I was on the clock.
  12. For College: SDSU would have been a darkhorse playoff contender if our QB had not graduated. Team has a lot of talent, but we're going to miss our trigger man. For NFL: My 98 speed QB had 10 carries for 2 yards. And was 18/46 for 130 yards, 0 TD, 2 INT passing. Against Buffalo's backups. Did we miss the scrambler buff somehow? Please, let that be it.
  13. Instead of the interception giving the defense the ball, the offense took a loss of 6 on the play For NCAA, this is correct. For NFL, the ball would be spotted at the spot of the kick, 7 yards behind the line of scrimmage. We can certainly live with this, just pointing it out for down the road, perhaps.
  14. If the run gave them a 1st down and the defensive foul occurred on the next play, then 1st and 5 is an option. It would not be an option if the defense was in the neutral zone on the 4th down play itself. In college football, technically there is no such thing as a Neutral Zone Infraction, that is NFL terminology for when a defender enters the neutral zone, causing a reaction by the offense. It is a dead ball foul, killing any play. (Offense does not get a free play from it). In NCAA, that same action is also dead ball, but it is simply called Defensive Offside, usually announced as "Offside...Defense", same as the live ball variety of the same foul, which occurs when a defender is in the neutral zone and the offensive player does not react. This is when the offense gets their "free play" - unless the defender is unabated to the quarterback, in which case the play is shut down for the safety of the quarterback.
  15. Separately, the bot should ping us when our game is being played. I did not know that was happening today and happened to just check the discord and saw people talking about SDSU.
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