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VerifiedThing last won the day on July 14

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1 Follower

About VerifiedThing

  • Birthday 07/04/1997

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  1. What is your username? VerifiedThing We use discord often for quick communications and for streaming games to our community. Using discord is optional, though we suggest it because it's a great way to connect with others and to watch games. For those applicable, what is your Discord username? VerifiedThing League you are applying for (CFB, College Basketball, NFL, NBA) CFB, NFL, NBA Which team do you want to apply for? (Click here for a list of currently open teams.) (If NFL or NBA, please specify the role.) Texas A&M; Detroit Lions HC; Sacramento Kings GM What are 3 backup teams in descending order of preference? UCF, UNT, Arkansas; none for NFL/NBA How much time can you devote to the community? The more people that are active, the more fun the sim as a whole is with all of the fun interactions that can take place between users, whether it be in the Shoutbox, or through various forms of media. I don't have a social life How did you find out or hear about SFA? I been here before fool Do you know anybody from SFA? List their usernames if applicable. No Tell us a little about yourselves to serve as a short introduction to the community. Hello I am VerifiedThing I'm here to play the sim sports games with y'all. I am from Texas can't you tell from my drawl? Here to have fun and not get into a brawl. Going to dominate in all of the sports ball. Before I continue I must make a confession. I am trying really hard to make a good first impression. But you should know that sports are my obsession, and that I take this as seriously as any normal profession. I hope that you enjoyed my application reply. I will see y'all in discord where you can ask me "Why?" I promise I don't rhyme this often (that's not a lie) So for now that is all and I must say goodbye,
  2. VerifiedThing on errythang and you know we reppin da baddest mfers in the metroplex: the mofuggin Pony Express boiiiiii (VerifiedThing on Discord/site, SMU Mustangs)
  3. I had a dream that one day the children of the world could hold hands in harmony. I think Godzilla was there too, pretty trippy.
  4. What is your username? VerifiedThing Which team do you want to apply for? (Click here for a list of currently open teams.) SMU What are 3 backup teams in descending order of preference? Northwestern, Arizona State, Hawai'i How much time can you devote to the community? The more people that are active, the more fun the sim as a whole is with all of the fun interactions that can take place between users, whether it be in the Shoutbox, or through various forms of media. I have a lot of time for this site, at least until I become employed. Even then, I'll probably have enough free time for this. How did you find out or hear about SFA? Ape linked this to me on Discord Do you know anybody from SFA? List their usernames if applicable. Anyone from CFBHC, which is too long a list to put here Tell us a little about yourselves to serve as a short introduction to the community. I am a 22 year old college grad living in the DFW area. I love college football and root for both Michigan and Notre Dame (yes I am messed up I get it) but I also love the other major sports in America. A big fan of the Bulls, Blackhawks, White Sox (Cubs suck), and Bears. I coach Illinois State over at the aforementioned CFBHC and we are pretty successful and have a big following (mostly just Ape). Very excited to play and if y'all need any help I would be happy to offer assistance, though I probably don't possess any skills you are looking for.
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