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#8 Drop-back Passes and More Run Plays


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Hello Coaches!


Welcome to another Dev Diary for NewSim on SimFBA!


Last time we posted a dev diary about the simulation, it was for one specific play: Power21. I am pleased to announce that we have added three more run plays to that list: TossSweep21, IsoStrong21, and Counter21. Each of those is blocked a bit differently and will therefore be better or worse depending on which of your blockers are better and which are worse, and how good the defense is and where.


That was honestly a fairly easy thing to implement, as they are all based off of the basic structure that Power21 has. Pretty much every traditional run play will be like this as well. So you can expect a few more runs out of one or two more personnel groupings before the alpha.


The part of this dev diary though that is really exciting is this part: Pass Plays! We have finally gotten drop-back pass plays implemented! This includes 3, 5 and 7 step drops. Check out some of the screenshots:







On of the great things about how these are implemented is that this covers ANY drop-back pass. There doesn't need to be any more code added to the game, just enter in whatever step drop you want and whatever route combinations you want and whatever blocking you want.


There are some limitations. For example, there are no play-action or screen plays yet and might not be in by the alpha. That way we can move towards testing games and game handlers sooner. They will be added shortly after, though.


That's it for this dev diary, the next one for the simulation will likely be something to do with special teams!


Until next time,



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