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#127 | SimBBA | The International Super League Youth Development System


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The Youth Development system is a new system that will allow International Super League teams to build their rosters consisting of local talent and players that are within their league's geographic footprint. 


The system is a combination of the transfer portal system and SimNBA's/SimNFL's scouting system. Teams will be able to spend resources to identify players, scout players out, and invest in bringing them onto their team. The Youth Development system will allow teams to build their rosters in the offseason while the SimNBA takes place.


The Player Pool

Talent from across the globe will be generated and will allow teams a chance to pick up players that they deem to be a fit for their roster. The age of these players will range from 16 to 22, normalized. Players that are picked up will be able to participate in ISL games, while players not picked up will continue to develop until they are 23, to which they will then become a free agent eligible for either the ISL or SimNBA. Development players cannot be picked up by SimNBA teams and are restricted from free agency and trading. Development players that play in the ISL will have an opportunity to declare for the SimNBA draft and will be eligible. Players that are not picked up by an ISL team will still develop and can always be scouted next offseason.


How Generating Players Will Work

This system uses the exact same generation system that we use for college recruiting, with the exception being that age does not impact the attributes of the player generated. Meaning, a 20-year-old can be generated but have the talent of a 2-star recruit, and a 16-year-old player can be generated with the attributes of a generational talent.


How it works

Each team has a pool of 100 points that they can use weekly. These points can be pooled towards identifying a player within their footprint, scouting attributes of the player, and then investing points into the player to add them to their team. All three functions will use the same pool of resources, so it is suggested that teams manage their points wisely as they identify and scout out talent.



When the offseason begins, teams will have access to the full list of players; but only knowing the country of origin of the player & the position of the player. No name, age, or attributes revealed.
To reveal a player's name & age and the ability to add the player to their board, teams will need to spend 10 points to identify the player. When identifying a player from a country that's part of the club's conference league, the cost is 8 points. When identifying a player from the club's respective country, the cost is brought down to 5 points.

Teams will then have the option to place the player on their scouting board as needed. Teams will always be able to view players they identified in previous seasons along with players previously removed.



After identifying, teams can view their scouting board and scout the attributes and potential of each identified player. Each attribute will cost 10 points to scout and reveal their actual grade. Once four attributes are revealed, the overall grade of the player is then revealed.

For those reading and seeing the high cost of scouting, you're probably asking: why?

Well, this is where the scouting modifiers come into play. Each offseason, teams will have a chance to improve their team's scouting department by incrementing modifiers that will lower the cost of each scouting attribute. Teams are also at the liberty on deciding which attributes they want their scouting department to specialize in. The modifiers can be incremented by 1, lowering the cost of scouting attributes and potential.

To upgrade modifiers, the following must be accomplished by an ISL Team:

  • Winning their respective league within the ISL: 4 points
  • Making it to the ISL Final Four: 6 points
  • Participating in the ISL Finals: 8 points
  • Winning the ISL: 10 points
  • Having a development player declare for the SimNBA draft: 4 points

This will allow teams that are successful to be rewarded for their success and earn a competitive advantage.

Additionally, scouting departments will need to keep up with the latest technologies and developments as the seasons progress. Every even season, the modifiers will regress by 4 points. In addition to giving teams a competitive advantage, this will help introduce some parity to the ISL.


Investing Points

Once the overall of a player is revealed, teams will have the option to invest points into the player as a means of recruiting and signing the player to join. For the initial season of this new system, there will be no cap on the number of points that can be spent through investing in a player. Teams can invest in the same player and compete with one another. When all invested teams have allocated points on a player for at least two weeks, the player will then make a decision and select a team, weighted by the number of points invested.


How long does a development player stay on an ISL roster?

Development players once picked up will have a contract generated with them. The duration of the contract will always expire once the player has turned 23 or the player declares themselves for the SimNBA draft.


Development players declaring

Once a development player reaches the talent level of that expected for a SimNBA draftee, they will declare themselves for the SimNBA draft. If a player is under the age of 19 and already meets that talent level, they will need to wait until they are 19.


Balancing resources

Not every player will be considered a generational pick, and the system is designed for teams to try and find the players through trial and error. Teams will need to balance how they spend points through identifying, scouting, and investing in order to find the right talent that can make an impact for their team. It is by design to be more blurred than even the college recruiting system with the tools available to give teams an edge and find players faster.


Will more improvements be made?

We will make improvements based on feedback received during the first iteration of this system.


Will users be able to participate in the first iteration?

At the moment I am planning on having this be AI only in order to observe & make adjustments.


When does the Youth Development System's sync occur?

The sync will occur alongside the SimNBA's Free Agency sync system on Tuesdays. Once the sync occurs, teams will be able to use all their points again towards the youth development system.


Can players from the US participate in the Youth Development System?



Can colleges recruit players from the Youth Development System?

Unfortunately, no.

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