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#120 | SimFBA & SimBBA | The Transfer Portal Pt. 3 - The UI


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Hi everyone,

Hope y'all are doing well. Today I'm going to be covering the following things:

  • How to use the transfer portal UI


Before we begin, I would like to encourage everyone to read the following dev diaries so that they are caught up on the concepts on the design of the transfer portal:



With that said, let's begin.

Landing Page

When the college season is over, the landing page will now show a button to view the transfer portal, over the recruiting page



At a glance, this is what the transfer portal page will look like:



The page itself is covered in 3 sections:

The first is the bookmark section, which will show basic information on your team, their reputation, and how many points you can spend. It will also show you the number of active promises.


The next section is the overview section. This section will show every available player within the transfer portal. There is no specific order, though the user is able to filter by position, overall, potential, stars, and their previous school. Sorting will be added soon. To add a player to your team's board, click the plus button.



Once you've added players to your board, click on the "Team Board" button to view your current board. Here, you can view each player on your board, the leading teams on the player and allocate points. For the transfer portal, users can allocate between 0 to 10 points on a player. Furthermore, points allocated are considered consistent. After you save & after every sync, the current week points remain the same, pending any adjustments made.

The range is smaller in the transfer portal in order to bring out more emphasis on the Promises feature. Teams can commit a promise to a player, which will then act as a multiplier towards the points allocated. To create a promise, click on the blue info button to pull up the user's card, and make a promise. This is the exact same modal that is used to committing promises in the previous transfer phase.


Once a promise is made, the multiplier should then activate. Depending on how level of a promise was committed, the multiplier can go anywhere between 1 and 1.75.


Leading Teams

Leading teams behaves the same way as it does in recruiting. The leading team & any team within 66% of the points committed will be considered the teams in contention.


FAQ Section:

What is the formula for points applied during the Transfer Portal Sync?

As described within Part 1:  Points within the week = Points Submitted * (Promise Multiplier) * (Portal Reputation/100)


What is going on with the quality of players?

The transfer portal gives players that didn't have their expectations met the previous season a new opportunity to showcase their talents and succeed within the league. Due to how regression worked this past season and how transfer intention worked, the list is likely small and with talent that may not meet some users' expectations. I will likely adjust things based on how the transfer portal goes this offseason, but I do want to note:

  • Any adjustments made to the transfer intention algorithm that will increase the number of players in the portal will be a double-edged sword. Users that want to build from the transfer portal should also expect players from their own roster to enter.


How many players can I add from the transfer portal?

As many until you reach the maximum size of your roster: 13.


How can I cancel a promise?

Remove a player from your board.


What if I want to cancel a promise but still recruit a player?

That player will no longer be interested because you took back a promise that you committed to the player. So, either don't put points on the player and have someone else pick them up, or remove them from your board.


What happens if I promise everyone a national championship?

Well, either you win the national championship next season, or your portal reputation will plummet to zero.


Can I recruit a player that left my roster?

No, they're looking for greener pastures.


Will any of this apply to CFB?

Based on how this transfer portal phase goes, I will make adjustments for CFB. Everything from the format and layout of the page should be the same. If we like how the sync goes, we will probably keep it. If not, I will probably have to rewrite it...


Where can I go to provide feedback for the SimBBA offseason?



When does the portal open?



What's next?

Finishing  the remaining work for the SimFBA offseason, and then hopefully the final changes to the SimBBA engine and gameplanning. Recruits will be generated when I have time, please don't ask when that is.




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