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#119 | SimBBA | NBA Playoff Series Format & Extensions


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Hi everyone,


I will try and make this dev diary short. Here are today's topics:

  • SimNBA Playoff Series and how they will work
  • Extensions & Activating Options


SimNBA Playoff Series

With the finally playoff bubble games having been ran, I would like to announce that the SimNBA Playoff Series will handled through automation this season and moving forward.

Meaning, I don't have to upload any games. The API will only need the active series and the succeeding series within the playoff format; and will handle generating the playoff games from there.

Generating playoff games will be handled after stats are migrated to their respective season table formats. Each playoff game will update the series counter and will generate the next matchup based on the game count of the current series. When either team reaches 4 wins, the respective team will be moved up into the next series, and will have their next game once their next opponent finishes their series. In the event that both series complete before the end of the current week that playoffs take place, the next series will start on the Monday after.

I will be tinkering with the logic to resolve any issues that appear from the current automated format; but if this succeeds, I will consider this a win towards automating the workflow of the Basketball API.


Extensions and Options

During the SimNBA Playoffs, teams that aren't participating will be able to trade & offer extensions to their players. Once a team has been knocked out of the playoffs and the next set of series begins, the knocked out teams will be able to make extensions and trades after. Once the SimNBA Finals are complete, every team will be able to participate and make extensions for at least two weeks; where after the NBA Progressions will be ran.


The extensions algorithm that we use for Football is in place here, with the proper modifications with how we handle finances for the NBA.

Teams that have a player with either one year remaining on their contract OR an option for the next year will have the dollar sign symbol active for the player row:

Inactive State:image.thumb.png.39a2816e26af43d008023ca4b52a1f9f.png

Active State: image.thumb.png.aea79470113efd5e995737c07a2b066f.png

Players with one year remaining on their contract will see the following prompt to create an extension offer:



Simply create an extension offer as usual, meet the minimum contract value to create your offer.


For Options, this is what the prompt will look like:


Players with options on their contract can have them activated by their team owner or GM. In the event that an option is activated, the player will earn the above value as projected on their option. If no monetary value is shown, it will be the current year of what they're making, plus 5%.

In the event that an option isn't exercised, the player will enter free agency.



That's all I have for now.




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