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#116 | SimCFB & SimNFL | The New Gameplan Page


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Hi everyone,

With today's dev diary I would like to fully announce and reveal the brand new SimFBA Gameplan Page!

This gameplan page has been overhauled and re-designed to accommodate for the new features that players can now fully utilize to strategize and make the most of their team! The page is now designed with providing you with the most information as possible when setting up your gameplan using information from previous dev diaries, along with your currently set depth chart.



When users navigate to the Gameplan page for both SimCFB and SimNFL, they will notice that the gameplan page has been re-organized into four separate sections:

  • Offensive Formations
  • Offensive Distributions
  • Defense
  • Special Teams

This dev diary will cover the functionality of the page and assist users with how to use the page.


Offensive Formations

The first tab we will cover is the Offensive Formations page. This section of the gameplan page covers the chosen scheme of the user and the formations available under that scheme. Users will be able to select one of 12 formations from the dropdown, which will dynamically change the information available regarding said scheme. Users will be able to see which type of players fit their scheme, are a bad fit, along with the min-max range for each play type under said scheme. The info buttons near the Offensive Scheme and Offensive Formation labels are provided to assist users in how to gameplan within each formation.




At a glance, users can use between 2-5 formations for their upcoming matchup. Each formation has a card providing the name of said formation, which players will be on the field for said formation, and inputs for the weight and play types available. Players can now utilize formations to run specific types of plays more heavily than others when in certain formations.


Offensive Distributions

This tab covers how the ball will be distributed in both the passing game and run game. This is the section where players have full control on target distribution, which players should be prioritized in types of passes and weights on traditional runs, options, and RPO.

The first two sections, Target Distribution and Running Distribution, use a weighted system based on the input from the player. To put plainly - rather than have a system that is based from 0-100, users decide the inputs themselves and will be totaled together to sum the weights. Users will also be able to see which players will be available based on how they set their depth chart. For Target Distributions, we're showing the WR depth chart positions 1-5, followed by TE, RB, then FB. For Running Distribution, we're showing the starting QB, All RB positions, the FB Positions, and a WR input that allows the user to designate a WR runner based on their position in the depth chart.

In the below example, RB Max Corbin has a running distribution of 10, with Drew Walden having a distribution of 5. This means that out of the total 18 points placed in running distribution, it is expected that Max Corbin will run with the ball 55% of the time and Drew Walden will run the ball 27% of the time.



The remaining four sections, Run Type, Option, Pass Type, and RPO distributions, do not use the player group weights and are still under the 100 point distribution.




This tab covers all of the defensive capabilities available to the player to strategize and compete again their upcoming opponent. Players now have 6 different formations to choose from, with the information provided being fairly similar to the Offensive Formations view.

The key difference is when planning by scheme.

When players have an upcoming opponent, they will be able to see their chosen scheme, and the five formations they have at their disposal. They cannot view which formations actually have weights on them.

To prepare for each opposing formation, players can choose a formation from the dropdown to indicate which formation they would like to use. Players will be able to see which player positions will be on the field, along with which players will be on the line of scrimmage and the backfield.

Top Row: Defensive Line
Middle Row: Linebackers/Box
Bottom Row: Defensive Backs and Backfield

Players will also be able to set weights as far as whether their defensive formation should focus more on the run vs the pass, and how often the formation should blitz.

There are additional settings at the bottom of the page which control coverage for LBs, DBs, and which DBs can blitz. There are two ranges that will control how the defense will react on both option plays and RPOs through the "Pitch Focus" and "Dive Focus" input ranges.


Special Teams

The final section allows users controls over the maximum field goal distance and how often the player should go for it on 4th down situations:



Quick FAQ

Why can't I see my opponent's offensive formation?

Games haven't been uploaded to the interface. Until games have been uploaded, I advise not checking out the defensive configurations until then. On that note too, please do not use the save button.

This is a lot of new information. What if I'm not sure how to set my scheme entirely quite yet?

Great question! The Offensive Formations and Defense tab views have a default feature available in all schemes! Selecting this feature will setup a pre-designed gameplan for you and your team that will serve as a baseline on how your team will perform. Default Offensive formations will only use the first 3 formations and will also have distributions already allocated. Players will still be able to determine pass type by receiver but won't have any control over the distribution weights. To turn off the default feature, just simply click it again.

How do I know which scheme I can use the Option and RPO play types?

The Scheme Info box is setup to show the minimum and maximum ranges that the scheme allows for option type plays and RPO type plays.

When can we see this page?

Right now, from the interface.

Will this be available for NFL?

It already is.

Why are you releasing this now?

To allow teams to utilize this page as a means of preparing for the upcoming SimNFL Draft.

When will we be able to save our gameplans?

Once out of conference scheduling is complete and I can upload Spring Games :)

What can we expect next?

Draft Day information, and upcoming information regarding the transfer portal. And some basketball info.


Thank you again for reading! Hope y'all have a great day!


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