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Championship Week in Corvallis

After a grueling conference schedule with 10 teams ineligible due to $$$$$, Oregon State and Washington State finally meet to decide the Pac-12 in a round robin schedule.

Just Hand Them the Division Already

The Arizona Cardinals tank campaign leads to Los Angeles in what will be a lop-sided match up with the LA Rams. Will Philip Avila show mercy or shut out the Cardinals?

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Need a team?

Firstly... welcome to the SimFBA! If you are new to the site, and need a team, make sure you head over to the new users section and view the available teams list. You will also be able to fill out your job application there! See you on the field, Coach!

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Lakers Go Big in Draft

Lakers draft Center Mike Park #1 Overall in the 2024 SimNBA Draft

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Role Descriptions


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Role descriptions and duties for SimFBA


For a list of current users filling the following roles, click here

P5 commissioner

  • Description
    • Temporary position until enough teams are coached to require individual conference commissioners


    • Recruiting and interviewing prospective P5 conference coaches
    • Responding to all P5 conference team applications
    • Driving the production of P5 conference media and ensuring coaches are maintaining their depth charts, recruiting, and other team-related tasks
    • Removing or penalizing repeated offenses by P5 conference coaches

G5 commissioner

  • Description
    • Temporary position until enough teams are coached to require individual conference commissioners


    • Recruiting and interviewing prospective G5 conference coaches
    • Responding to all G5 conference team applications
    • Driving the production of G5 conference media and ensuring coaches are maintaining their depth charts, recruiting, and other team-related tasks
    • Removing or penalizing repeated offenses by G5 conference coaches

Site admin

  • Description
    • Main admin for the site, simulation, and interface


    • Overseeing SimFBA


  • Description
    • Forum manager


    • Maintaining and updating the forum
    • Coordinating with the graphics artist to make sure all graphics are up to date and appropriate

Community ambassador

  • Description
    • Liaison between the community members and the staff/admin


    • Advocating for the needs of the site’s community
    • Voicing any issues the community may have
    • Assisting in settling disputes between community members
    • Maintaining checks and balances with site admins and staff

Simulation developer

  • Description
    • Main developer for the game simulator


    • Developing and maintaining the game simulator
    • Troubleshooting and diagnosing issues with the game simulator
    • Stress testing for potential loopholes and exploits within the game simulator
    • Resolving potential loopholes and exploits within the game simulator
    • Creating documentation teaching users how the simulation works

Recruiting developer

  • Description
    • Main developer of recruiting


    • Maintaining up-to-date list of recruits
    • Developing and updating the recruiting strategy and method
    • Creating documentation teaching users how recruiting works

Graphics artist (VACANT)

  • Description
    • Main designer of graphics


    • Coordinating with the site admin to make sure all graphics are up to date and appropriate
    • Creating and designing new graphics for the site

Statistics master

  • Description
    • Manages player, team, and coach statistics


    • Maintaining up-to-date statistics for the NFL and NCAA simulations
    • Ensuring all statistics are reported correctly

Wiki master

  • Description
    • Manages the site wiki


    • Maintaining up-to-date wiki pages
    • Enforcing strict standardized templates for team and season wiki pages
    • Creating and overseeing new wiki pages

Discord admin

  • Description
    • Manages the site Discord channel


    • Maintaining the Discord channel

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