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SimCFB Gameplan Guide


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Hello Coaches,


This post is intended to be a one-stop-shop for all of your gameplanning questions. As such, I will go line-by-line and explain the different options there currently are in the gameplan sheet. This thread can also act as a place for your to ask any kind of gameplan questions you might have (what do options do? What strategies are good with what players? etc.).




Offensive Scheme:

There are four options here: Pro, Air Raid, Spread Option, and Double Wing. Here is a quick breakdown of what they each do:

  • Pro
    • Balanced Run vs. Pass
    • Focused on one main RB to carry the running workload with a second RB/FB in minor support.
    • Players that should see decent playing time:
      • RB1
      • FB1/RB2 (if played at the FB position)
      • TE1
      • TE2
      • WR1
      • WR2
      • WR3

    [*]Air Raid

    • Heavy Pass Focus
    • Focused on one main RB to carry the running workload.
    • Players that should see decent playing time:
      • RB1
      • TE1
      • WR1
      • WR2
      • WR3
      • WR4
      • WR5

    [*]Spread Option

    • Balanced Run vs. Pass
    • Distributed running workload with QB, RB1, and RB2/FB being the main backs.
    • Players that should see decent playing time:
      • RB1
      • TE1
      • TE2
      • WR1
      • WR2
      • WR3
      • WR4

    [*]Double Wing

    • Heavy Run Focus
    • Distributed running workload with QB, RB1, FB1, and RB2 being the main backs.
    • Players that should see decent playing time:
      • RB1
      • FB1
      • RB2
      • TE1
      • TE2
      • WR1
      • WR2

Run To Pass Ratio:

This is a number that represents the % of time your team will choose to run the ball on average. To know how often your team will pass the ball, take 100 - your RTPR. Thus, a higher number means you will run the ball more and a lower number means you will pass more. Each scheme has a range of valid values for that scheme. They are:

  • Pro: 35-65
  • Air Raid: 10-40
  • Spread Option: 45-75
  • Double Wing: 60-90

Formation Distribution:

This section has three formation options based on your scheme. These formations determine the players that are on the field for a particular play. Here is a formation-by-formation breakdown about who is on the field:

  • I Formation: QB1, RB1, FB1, WR1, WR2, TE1
  • Singleback Two TEs: QB1, RB1, WR1, WR2, TE1, TE2
  • Singleback Three WRs: QB1, RB1, WR1, WR2, WR3, TE1
  • Singleback Four WRs: QB1, RB1, WR1, WR2, WR3, WR4
  • Empty Five WRs: QB1, WR1, WR2, WR3, WR4, WR5
  • Pistiol Three WRs: QB1, RB1, WR1, WR2, WR3, TE1
  • Pistol Two WRs: QB1, RB1, WR1, WR2, TE1, TE2
  • Pistol Four WRs: QB1, RB1, WR1, WR2, WR3, WR4
  • Double Wing/Wing T: QB1, RB1, FB1, RB2, WR1, TE1
  • Single Wing: QB1, RB1, FB1, WR1, WR2, TE1
  • Double Wing/Wing T Two TEs: QB1, RB1, FB1, RB2, TE1, TE2

Similar to the Run To Pass Ratio, the number field associated with each formation option corresponds to the % on average you will use that formation. Regardless of scheme, you cannot put more than 50% on any one formation. Whatever your selections are, they MUST add up to 100%. You also do not need to use all three formation options (you may set two to 50% each).


Runner Distribution:

These options determine who you will try to use in the running game. The numbers associated with each field correspond to the % on average you will give the ball to that ballcarrier. Depending on your scheme, there are also restrictions on the ranges available for each runner. If a runner is ineligible, his number must be set to zero:

  • Pro
    • QB: Ineligible
    • BK1: Up to 100
    • BK2: Up to 20
    • BK3: Ineligible

    [*]Air Raid

    • QB: Ineligible
    • BK1: Up to 100
    • BK2: Ineligible
    • BK3: Ineligible

    [*]Spread Option

    • QB: Up to 60
    • BK1: Up to 60
    • BK2: Up to 30
    • BK3: Ineligible

    [*]Double Wing

    • QB: Up to 60
    • BK1: Up to 60
    • BK2: Up to 60
    • BK3: Up to 60

Whatever your selections are, they MUST add up to 100%.


Run Type Distribution:

These options determine how often certain run types are selected when you choose to run the ball. There are four types of runs: Outside, Inside, Power, and Draw.

  • Outside: Predicated on agility. Runners with high agility will gain more yards before first contact.
  • Inside: Runners with high strength will do better with this type of run.
  • Power: Just like inside runs, high strength goes along way, but this uses more backside blockers (If you run left, some blockers will be from the right side of your line) than regular inside runs.
  • Draw: See inside run. Get a bonus on yardage if the defense blitzed or called a pass defense.

Each of these types can be run to the left or right. This will determine which side of the line and defense will be the point of attack. Blockers and defenders at the point of attack are more likely to be involved in the play (blockers: to block, defenders: to tackle). Also remember, Power uses some backside blockers, so if you have a well balanced line, Power is a good play selection. On the other hand, if you have one side that is better at run blocking it might be better to stick to regular inside/outside runs towards them.


For all schemes, Outside, Inside and Power runs to the left or right are limited to no more than 50%. Draws left or right are limited to no more than 15%. Regardless of the selections, they must all add up to 100%.


Pass Type Distribution:

These fields determine the % on average a certain type of pass pattern is targeted on a pass play. There are six types of pass play: Quick, Short, Long, Screen, Play Action Short, Play Action Long.

  • Quick: Throws thrown quickly around the line of scrimmage. Usually three-step drops throwing slants, quick outs, ins, and hitches. Anywhere from -2 to 5 or 6 yards downfield. Very common in West Coast offenses. Receivers with good agility and route running will excel at running these routes. Highest % chance of completion for a regular pass.
  • Short: Throws targeted slightly farther downfield. Some three-step and five-step drops throwing to outs, ins, hitches, posts, corners, crossers, etc. Targeted to about 3-10 yards downfield. Receivers with a good mix of agility, speed, and route running will do well on these types of routes. Medium % chance of completion.
  • Long: Throws targeted down the field. Usually deep corners, posts, sluggos, and gos. Speed is the best attribute for these types of routes as they are targeted to about 9-20 yards downfield. Lowest % chance of completion.
  • Screen: Very quick pass to the primary back behind the line of scrimmage. These passes are designed to get an agile back in space with blockers in front of him. Backs with good agility will be good targets for these plays. Always about a 75% chance of completion, regardless of the QB's skills. Also, small % chance of bonus/penalty yards, as well as a fixed 2% chance of a costly interception.
  • Play Action Short: Same as Short, except if called against a run defense, there is a bonus to the % chance of completion.
  • Play Action Long: Same as Long, except if called against a run defense, there is a bonus to the % chance of completion.

There are some restrictions for how you choose to distribute your passes based on your scheme:

  • Quick
    • Pro: No more than 45%
    • All others: No more than 50%


    • Pro: No more than 45%
    • All others: No more than 50%


    • Pro: No more than 45%
    • Air Raid: No more than 50%
    • All others: No more than 35%


    • All: No more than 20%

    [*]Play Action Short

    • Double Wing: No more than 30%
    • All others: No more than 20%

    [*]Play Action Long

    • Double Wing: No more than 30%
    • All others: No more than 20%

All options must add up to 100%.


Targeting Distribution

This represents how you would like targets to be distributed to your receivers. The real distributions during a game will be likely very different from these numbers due to things like pressure, different QB reads, coverage, etc. Regardless, think of these options as the "ideal" targeting breakdown for your players. You cannot put more than 60% on any one player, and TE3 is currently an invalid selection, so just leave him at 0.




Defensive Scheme:

Determines the base alignment of your defense. Currently there are only two options:

  • 4-3: Base formation has four defensive lineman and three linebackers. OLBs are not on the defensive line.
  • 3-4: Base formation has five defensive lineman and four linebackers. OLBs ARE on the defensive line.

Defensive Personnel:

There are three personnel groupings you can choose from based on your scheme.

  • 4-3
    • Base 4-3 (Better for stopping the run given the added linebackers)
      • Defensive Line: LE1, DT1, DT2, RE1
      • Linebackers: LOLB1, ILB1, ROLB1
      • Secondary: CB1, FS1, SS1, CB2

      [*]Nickel 4-2-5 (Balanced)

      • Defensive Line: LE1, DT1, DT2, RE1
      • Linebackers: ILB1, ROLB1
      • Secondary: CB1, FS1, SS1, CB2, CB3

      [*]Dime 4-1-6 (Geared to stop the Pass)

      • Defensive Line: LE1, DT1, DT2, RE1
      • Linebackers: ILB1
      • Secondary: CB1, FS1, SS1, CB2, CB3, CB4


    • Base 3-4 (Better for stopping the run given the added linebackers)
      • Defensive Line: LOLB1, LE1, DT1, RE1, ROLB1
      • Linebackers: ILB1, ILB2
      • Secondary: CB1, FS1, SS1, CB2

      [*]Nickel 3-3-5 (Balanced)

      • Defensive Line: LE1, DT1, RE1, ROLB1
      • Linebackers: ILB1, ILB2
      • Secondary: CB1, FS1, SS1, CB2, CB3

      [*]Dime 3-2-6 (Geared to stop the Pass)

      • Defensive Line: LE1, DT1, RE1, ROLB1
      • Linebackers: ILB1
      • Secondary: CB1, FS1, SS1, CB2, CB3, CB4

Whatever your selections are, they MUST add up to 100%. You are not restricted on how much you must put in any of the formations.


Run To Pass Ratio:

This is a number that represents the % of time your team will choose to defend the run on average. To know how often your team will defend the pass, take 100 - your RTPR. Thus, a higher number means you will defend the run more, and will defend the pass less. You must choose between 15% and 85%. If a run defense is called against a play action pass or a pass defense is called against a draw play, your defense will be ill-equipped to stop the offense and it will likely gain more yards.


Blitz Ratio:

A Blitz is when more than 4 or so pass rushers attack the QB on a pass play. This can put extra pressure on the QB that causes them to make mistakes, throw interceptions, or even get sacked more than usual. This number option sets the % chance that your defense will blitz on a given pass play. Remember, unless you are cautious with your blitzes (See Blitz Aggressiveness), you will be vulnerable to the offense running screens and draws. This field must be between 0% (never blitz) and 60%.


Blitz Aggressiveness:

There are three options for this field:

  • Cautious
    • No more than 1 player may blitz.
    • 1 man blitzes are not vulnerable to screens and draws, but do not put much extra pressure on the QB.
    • Only LBs will blitz.


    • No more than 2 players may blitz.
    • Chance of 1 man blitz: 50%
    • Chance of 2 man blitz: 50%
    • 1 man blitzes are not vulnerable to screens and draws, but do not put much extra pressure on the QB.
    • 2+ man blitzes are vulnerable to screens and draws, but may put extra pressure on the QB.
    • Can choose to add CBs or Ss.


    • No more than 3 players may blitz.
    • Chance of 1 man blitz: 33.3%
    • Chance of 2 man blitz: 33.3%
    • Chance of 3 man blitz: 33.3%
    • 1 man blitzes are not vulnerable to screens and draws, but do not put much extra pressure on the QB.
    • 2+ man blitzes are vulnerable to screens and draws, but may put extra pressure on the QB.
    • Can choose to add CBs or Ss.

In all cases, blitzing may leave some receivers uncovered, and in doing so will allow for an easy completion and potentially long gain. If you set your Blitz Ration to 0, this field does not matter, but setting it to Cautious is a good idea.


Blitz Safeties?:

This field only has two options: Yes or No. If this is set to Yes, then there is a chance on 2+ man blitzes, one or both safeties will be designated as blitzers. Otherwise, safeties will not be included in blitzes. This might be useful if you think those players are particularly good at pass rushing. If you have Blitz Aggressiveness set to Cautious, just set this value to No.


NOTE: On run defenses, the SS1 player is designated a linebacker and therefore might be designated to blitz even if this option is set to zero.


Blitz Corners?:

See Blitz Safeties?. Same for this option, except this allows CB3 and/or CB4 to be included in any 2+ man blitz. Again, this is useful if you think your CB3 or CB4 might be a good pass rusher. If you have Blitz Aggressiveness set to Cautious, just set this value to No. Also, if either of those players are not on the field (i.e. a base defense with only 2 CBs), they obviously will not be able to blitz.


NOTE: CB1 and CB2 will never be able to blitz.


Linebacker Coverage:

There are two options here: Man or Zone. Choose man if you think your linebackers are better in man coverage (this includes SS1 on run defenses). If you think they are better at Zone, then select Zone instead.


Corners Coverage:

See Linebacker Coverage.


Safeties Coverage:

See Linebacker Coverage.


Some final things to note:

  • Never leave a field blank. If you want a value to be nothing/zero, please input a zero.
  • There is built in error detection in the google sheet. If it presents an error, your gameplan is likely not valid. Please make sure all errors are gone before you submit your gameplan.
  • Always be sure to make a copy of the main template. When you do this, make sure to do the following:
    • Rename the file to just "Gameplan"
    • Rename the tab with the gamplan in it to your team abbreviation. i.e. "BAMA".

    [*]There is a tab in the gameplan called "Guide". This includes a link to this thread.

Please use this thread for any questions you might have as well.


Happy Gameplanning!



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