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Championship Week in Corvallis

After a grueling conference schedule with 10 teams ineligible due to $$$$$, Oregon State and Washington State finally meet to decide the Pac-12 in a round robin schedule.

Just Hand Them the Division Already

The Arizona Cardinals tank campaign leads to Los Angeles in what will be a lop-sided match up with the LA Rams. Will Philip Avila show mercy or shut out the Cardinals?

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Need a team?

Firstly... welcome to the SimFBA! If you are new to the site, and need a team, make sure you head over to the new users section and view the available teams list. You will also be able to fill out your job application there! See you on the field, Coach!

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Lakers Go Big in Draft

Lakers draft Center Mike Park #1 Overall in the 2024 SimNBA Draft

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Commissioners Needed

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Hello Coaches!


We are getting there! We are currently working on adding a few more features to NewSim, creating a more efficient recruiting system, and hammering out some logistical details for a regular season (schedule, polls, etc.). As such, we now need some more help. For this first season we appear to have around 35-50 or so user-controlled teams, and that will be more to manage than just the handful of us can.


So, we need to bring two of you on to be conference commissioners! Specifically we would have one for all Power 5 teams, and one for all Group of 5 teams. You must be a coach in the group of conferences you represent. The job descriptions are as follows:


P5 commissioner

  • Description
    • Temporary position until enough teams are coached to require individual conference commissioners


    • Recruiting and interviewing prospective P5 conference coaches
    • Responding to all P5 conference team applications
    • Driving the production of P5 conference media and ensuring coaches are maintaining their depth charts, recruiting, and other team-related tasks
    • Removing or penalizing repeated offenses by P5 conference coaches

G5 commissioner

  • Description
    • Temporary position until enough teams are coached to require individual conference commissioners


    • Recruiting and interviewing prospective G5 conference coaches
    • Responding to all G5 conference team applications
    • Driving the production of G5 conference media and ensuring coaches are maintaining their depth charts, recruiting, and other team-related tasks
    • Removing or penalizing repeated offenses by G5 conference coaches

Please apply using the link here: Conference Commissioner Application


Until next time,



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