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Ewade last won the day on June 6 2023

Ewade had the most liked content!

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About Ewade

  • Birthday 06/10/2002


  • SimBBA Career
    Utah State Head Coach 2022-Present 2022: Mountain West Conference Champions

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Junior (4/14)

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  1. All the work from everyone is appreciated!!! It has been a great first year here!!! Keep it up and looking forward to all things in the future!!
  2. Thank you!! No worries!!
  3. What is your username? Ewade What is your Discord username (if applicable)? Ewade #9194 Which team do you want to apply for? (Click here for a list of currently open teams.) Utah State Aggies What are 3 backup teams in descending order of preference? #1- Vanderbilt Commodores, #2-Fresno State Bulldogs, #3- Eastern Michigan Eagles How much time can you devote to the community? The more people that are active, the more fun the sim as a whole is with all of the fun interactions that can take place between users, whether it be in the Shoutbox, or through various forms of media. A few hours every week How did you find out or hear about SFA? My friend DarthJarJar told me about it Do you know anybody from SFA? List their usernames if applicable. DarthJarJar Tell us a little about yourselves to serve as a short introduction to the community. I am a Community College student from Kansas
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