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2024 | Progression Re-run

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A bug came to my attention this morning regarding a couple of players who had valid minutes played but instead saw regressions. Particularly younger players. I plan on re-running progressions on these players specifically because of the bug caused. Due to missing data, I cannot roll back the rosters to how they were pre-progression. However, I am willing to run progressions on a list of notable players that should have progressed.


With that said, if you have a player on your roster that you believe should have progressed, but didn't, but you have proof that their minutes per game through the season was above their minutes required, please post the players below. If you have proof of the regression, even better.


I can't fully fix every player across each roster but I will do my best to at least rectify this issue.


The bug in question has been fixed and was an oversight on my part.


Current List:

  1. Moises Farr, OKC
  2. Wayne Perry, POR
  3. Frazier, POR
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Ryan Wilson - SA.  I don't have the requested proof - so I'll leave it up to you if you will do it.

I don't have proof that he was an 86 last year, but he was an 86 and he regressed to 82. 

He played 21 MPG - he was a main player for me. 

I don't have his min expectations from last year, but this year it is at 18 MPG. 

*Shrug* I don't really think a 24 year old should regress playing 21 MPG and being a key contributor. But I understand if the burden of proof is on me because I don't have it. 



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Posted (edited)

PG Ali Bunnell on Brooklyn was an 85 overall last year, but is now an 82. Unfortunately I don’t really have proof but it was something weird we noticed with his progression.


Added Bunnell's minutes last year


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Posted (edited)

SF Paul Iverson - A Potential Player has regressed (exact amount I can't tell you right now, but I think its quite a substantial drop)




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C Franklin Cotto

Played 37 minutes per game.


Minutes requirement is 26.


Last Year's Attributes showing regression.



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PG Richard Kennedy and PG Dennis Mitchell

Mitchell needed 16 and got 23 (though didn't play all 82)

Kennedy needed 23 and got 26.

However, I don't have their original ratings as I signed them to UDFA deals (unless someone else has them), but I believe they were 82/83 last year since I sat 82ovr Victor Adams for them.



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41 minutes ago, alexfall862 said:

PG Richard Kennedy and PG Dennis Mitchell

Mitchell needed 16 and got 23 (though didn't play all 82)

Kennedy needed 23 and got 26.

However, I don't have their original ratings as I signed them to UDFA deals (unless someone else has them), but I believe they were 82/83 last year since I sat 82ovr Victor Adams for them.



Richard Kennedy & Dennis Mitchell did progress positively. They were both 80.

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For Atlanta:

Older, got heavy minutes, barely improved/didn't improve OVR (aka I don't know if they plateaued):

  • Defensive Player of the Year PG Larry Jenkins stayed at 110 (entered 7th year).
  • PF Ronnie Simmons went from 91 to 92 (+1, 6 EXP)

Younger, should have met their expectations, barely progressed if at all:

  • SF Johnny Hall (3 EXP, +0, 82 OVR)
  • C Michael Howard (1 EXP, +0 after rookie year)
  • C Timothy Rogers (1 EXP, +1 after rookie year)

Maaaaybe met their expectations? (Should have kept track of that number)

  • PF Roger Evans (1 EXP, -1 after rookie year, was a Two-Way Player)



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For Memphis based on what i had previously. I've got a few players that I signed in UDFA that I don't have their overalls from last year but for the most part Memphis progressed correctly I think.

PG Gabriel Zimmerman (27/5 -> 28/6) stayed at 108 despite meeting his stamina requirement of 39 MPG

PF Jan Freeman (30/8 ->31/9) went from 93 to 94

PF Derek Swanson (27/5->28/6) went from 91 to 92

PG Shaun Robbins (29/7->30/8) went from 87 to 88

PF Justin Austin (23/0 -> 24/1) went from 85 to 89

SF Stephen Bryant (24/2 -> 25/3) went from 83 to 86

PG Ralph Jones (23/0 -> 24/1) went from 82 to 85

C John Lacaze (23/0 -> 24/1) went from 81 to 84

C Omar Norman (29/4 -> 30/8) went from 71 to 73

2023 Roster



2024 Roster


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