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Jieret last won the day on February 23

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  1. A couple questions: * Are injuries and stamina considerations (AKA if I Cal Ripken someone they play worse over time they're worn down as more games pile up)? * From a roster/lineup decision standpoint, does the weekly schedule matter? In other words, would batching/not batching games give us time to adjust during the week, or are those decisions locked in at the beginning of the week regardless of how the games are run?
  2. Will you be implementing luxury tax tiers to penalize overspenders?
  3. Welcome Parm! An admin should be along soon-ish for the Cavs position. The Chargers are taken, but asking in the Discord if an NFL team needs a GM, coach, or assistant is a good way to get into that side of things - I don't think there are any other completely vacant NFL teams. There are plenty of college football (and basketball) teams however....
  4. When the draft class was released, did the grade fuzziness extend to the individual attributes or was it just the Overall that got fuzzed? Put another way, will there be a need for teams to use scouting points on individual attributes? And I know it's said a lot, but it still isn't said enough. Thank you so much for all your hard work!
  5. I am SO excited for these new schemes! And the ideas of having multiple formations is great, much more fun than just choosing slider numbers. Question: As listed the entire defensive scheme have strengths/weaknesses versus specific formations. Any thought to adjusting those numbers based on the formation inside the defensive scheme? E.g. If I run a Speed Man scheme, it's weak to Wing-T and Double Wing (heavy run concepts). But in Speed Man we have 4-1-6 Dime and 4-4 Heavy formations. While acknowledging the Wing formations as an overall weakness, a 4-4 shouldn't be as susceptible to running offenses as a Dime formation.
  6. Where BC Lions? Thanks gentlemen. As always, appreciate the hard work you put into this!
  7. I'm not sure what you mean by the held contract for a G-League player being $1M total. Does this mean if a player is signed to a contract worth more than 1M (which is basically everybody), they can't be assigned to the G-League? Or does that mean I essentially waive a player to the G-League, count 1M per year as his new contract, and eat any excess as dead cap?
  8. It isn't too late, although I don't know if any NBA teams are completely open. @Migi would know, I think.
  9. Will Practice Squad-bound players pass through waivers, or will they go straight to the PS?
  10. Western Michigan Broncos Jieret#3853
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