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Atlanta Falcons Big Ten Bookies NBA SimNFL Owner

subsequent last won the day on April 2

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  1. Hi everyone, I'd like to present to you the logistical schedule for all sim sports on the site. Please treat this as the master document. It will be updated as necessary. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-FOWwwQEflzpYA1L0fhLJHtOn3wIQqNy/
  2. Welcome! Thanks for joining us. @Kirby is the Miami Dolphins owner, so he should be around to take a look. You're not restricted to only one league, by the way. May of us are playing NBA, CBB, CFB, NFL, and soon MLB! All at the same time. The seasons don't overlap too much, so you'll always have something to do throughout the year! Let us know if you have any questions.
  3. Welcome to SimFBA! @Sarge is acting C-USA commissioner right now and should be around to look at your application. In the meantime, I highly encourage you to join us on Discord as a lot of our disgussion is over there!
  4. Hi @ATLutd14 Welcome to SimFBA! You are approved for Michigan State! It's about time someone took them. Please request Michigan State on the interface and @Kirby will be along to set your profile up! We are currently in the offseason for football, but activites should start trickling in after the new year!
  5. Should add conference championship games... or maybe matchups against ranked teams? 👀
  6. Hi @rajmurti, thanks for the application. You're approved for Ohio State. Please request them on the interface. @Kirbywill be around to set up your profile.
  7. @tsweezy pls grant this man the ability to join LSU and recruit the state of Tennessee exclusively.
  8. Sammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm @DarthJarJar is the MWC commish and will be around to approve this!
  9. Welcome! ACC Commish @Kirbyshould be around to take a look at your application soon!
  10. Welcome! @Kirby should be around to review your application!
  11. Added the option for teams to let the AI recruit for them Ooooooooooh.
  12. Recruiting starts on the first week of games. We will have 20 weeks total of games and recruiting. I think Tuscan made an exception for spring games for you as we had just passed the deadline.
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